Saturday, January 17, 2009

Seeking attention....

After posting the first article on my blog, I was so excited about creating it that every half hour, I kept checking if anyone has commented on it or is some one following me...
and each time I saw, I got disappointed... :( thanks to vishal and rashmi to having supported my moral.... :)
so then I put up my blog on orkut updates so that others would see it too...
now this made me more anxious....even though I had a hectic schedule at office, I managed to sneek in from others and open my blog to check out if any updates....being an IT company, every site that we open, is being registered, even then i was ready to take up the risk to see who has appreciated my blog...or even that how beautiful the lady on the top of my blog if I am going to get an appraisal by others commenting on it...
After two days, i realised, why am I expecting others to see my blog and appreciate it??? what is the purpose of me writing my thoughts in public....why would somebody be interested in even reading what i think???
surely i am not Amitabh Bachhan whose blog is visited by thousands of people in a day...
But may be its not only about the blog...its about life in general...
we all seek for attention and we all feel confident on getting appreciated...
I could have written all this in my personal diary too....but then whats the point if no one can ever read it???
It is true when we say -
The greatest gift you can give others is the purity of your attention.


  1. There r many ways of "Seeking attention"

    One as us said my changing ur update status in orkut n facebook.

    Other is to register urself on sites like,,, etc etc, there r many will give u list later on. This r the sites from where u will get lot of hits on ur blog.

  2. Hey Nikita,

    Nice start! & yes human beings love the idea of being loved, a little bit of appreciation, a little bit of undivided attention is all that v crave for....

  3. Thanks Satan urf vishal for updating me with the sites...would surely try upon these once I write something more substantial...

  4. Nice blog. What you say is true for most of us. Though you must not feel disappointed, because it cannot be expected that a net surfer will necessarily stop by and read what you have written. I came here accidentally. Liked it. By the way you have a sweet name as well. Continue to blog. I am sure people will read your blog. It looks attractive anyway.


  5. Dear Kumar,

    Thank you for your kind words...I am absolutely new to the blogging world and plus I am not very innovative too...will try to keep improving with each blog and will have to explore ways to make it more popular.

  6. i realized after reading your blog post that I do the same thing.every day i look into the site statistics just to see if my readership has gone up or not and to my disappointment it is hardly one or two visits. Any way, dont count the comments becuase many a times people read and appreciate but are too lazy to drop a comment. There is a site called "google analytics"( they will give you a script to put in your blog and you can see how many people visited, from which city, country etc. it is better than counting comments. keep blogging.

  7. Hi Nikita, I know exactly how you feel. I started blogging about three weeks back and felt the same way. Keep blogging... I quite like your write up and will come back!!! Just enjoy what you are doing.. nothing else is more important.. Take care!

  8. haha... i guess it happens with all of us. you're safe :)

    happened with me as well. may be that's the way we are designed.
